Being of service is one of the most important tools in our recovery program. Service keeps us coming back and helps us to remain abstinent one day at a time from incurring any new unsecured debt, while supporting our Fellowship and others in recovery.
Service can include D.A. Meeting attendance, DATIG Business Meeting attendance, holding a service position such as Meeting Moderator (adds people to the Skype calls), Meeting Leader, DATIG Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, or Webmaster, or reaching out to newcomers for encouragement and support. Service may also include being a sponsor. DATIG has produced a helpful guide to the various ways of doing service in DA. Download the DATIG Service Guide here.
DATIG Business Meetings
DATIG business meetings are held MONTHLY on the 2nd THURSDAY of each month from 8:00pm - 9:15pm Eastern.
D.A. members from individual telephone and internet meetings meet at the DATIG business meeting to exchange information and vote on motions to support the DATIG fellowship and reach out to the debtor who still suffers. Any DA member is welcome to attend DATIG meetings as a guest for information, to ask questions or bring up issues, or to discuss motions. Only Intergroup Representatives and DATIG trusted servants may make, second, or vote on motions.
For detailed descriptions of all DATIG service positions, please scroll down. More information about DATIG is available on the About page.
2024 MEETINGS: THURSDAY, January 11, February 8, March 14, April 11, May 9, June 13, July 11, August 8, September 12, October 10, November14, December 12.
TIME: 8:00pm Eastern.
To join the DATIG meeting by internet:
"Join Zoom Meeting"
Meeting ID: 941 4463 0858
Passcode for joining by internet: solvency
To join the DATIG meeting by phone:
1. Dial your local zoom number
(find it here:
2. When prompted, enter
Meeting ID: 941 4463 0858
Passcode for joining by phone:
8862 3494
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes for September 12, 2024 (unapproved) (pdf)
August 8, 2024 meeting was canceled, no minutes. August Treasury Report
Meeting Minutes for July 11, 2024 (approved) (pdf) Treasury Report (approved)
Meeting Minutes for June 13, 2024 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for May 9, 2024 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for April 11,2024 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for March 14, 2024 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for February 8, 2024 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for January 11, 2024 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for December 14, 2023 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for November 9, 2023 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for October 12, 2023 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for September 14, 2023 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for August 10, 2023 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for July 13, 2023 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for June 8 , 2023 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for May 11, 2023 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for April - minutes not available. April 2023 Treasurer's Report
Meeting Minutes for March 9, 2023 (unapproved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for February 9, 2023 (unapproved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for January 12, 2023 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for December 8, 2022 (unapproved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for November 10, 2022 (unapproved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for October 13, 2022 (unapproved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for September 8, 2022 (unapproved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for August 11, 2022 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for July 14, 2022 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for June 9, 2022 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for May 12, 2022 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for April 14, 2022 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for March 10, 2022 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for February10, 2022 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for January 13, 2022 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for December 9, 2021 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for November 11, 2021 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for October 14, 2021 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for September 9, 2021 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for August 12, 2021 - not available
Meeting Minutes for July 8, 2021 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for June 10, 2021 (unapproved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for May 13, 2021 - not available
Meeting Minutes for April 08, 2021 (unapproved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for March 11, 2021 (unapproved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for February 11, 2021 (approved) (pdf)
Meeting Minutes for January 14, 2021 (approved) (pdf)
>>> Meeting Minutes for all prior years can be found on the Meeting Minutes Archive page.
Service Opportunities
Below is a list of all service opportunities for DATIG. Each listing includes a description of some of the basic duties for that position. As a group our goal is to support each other and work together as a whole, so on occasion requests may be made to assist in another position wherever possible.
For all service positions, if during their term the trusted servant fails to maintain continuous abstinence during the term of service, they will be asked to resign.
Elections take place in March and September every year. As established at the May 2018 meeting, “Trusted Servant Positions shall be 6 months*, and there is no limit to number of consecutive terms that can be served.” If someone steps in to fill an open position during a term, they serve for the remainder of that term; there is no staggering of terms.
*At the December 2021 meeting, the Treasurer Term was changed to 2 years due to complexity of turnover; elected in September.
*As established at the November 2019 meeting, the ISR Term shall be 1 1/2 years beginning in March and ending in September of the following year, with elections occurring yearly in March to allow a 6-month overlap for mentoring the new ISR through the scholarship application, registration and lodging/travel arrangement processes.
DA Solvency/Abstinence Requirements: 6 months continuous abstinence from incurring unsecured debt. If elected and fails to maintain abstinence during the term of service, they will resign.
Term: 6 months. Terms run March to September, and September to March. No limit on number of terms one person may serve consecutively.
Service Responsibilities/Requirements:
- Has basic computer skills and email.
- Emails a reminder to members of the upcoming intergroup business meeting along with a copy of the agenda prepared by the Secretary.
- Sets up the meeting.
- Prepares and distributes the agenda in electronic format.
- Registers DATIG monthly business meeting with DA annually so that call-in information is up to date.
- Keeps the intergroup meeting on-topic and running according to schedule.
- Chair may make, second and vote on motions.
- Is next in line to read the minutes from previous meeting if Recording Secretary is unable to read them.
Recording Secretary:
DA Solvency/Abstinence Requirements: Continuous abstinence from incurring unsecured debt for 3 months and has had at least two (2) pressure relief meetings.
Term: 6 months. Terms run March to September, and September to March. No limit on number of terms one person may serve consecutively.
Service Responsibilities/Requirements:
- Has basic computer skills and email.
- Takes minutes and attendance during the intergroup meeting. The meetings are recorded to assist the recording secretary.
- Prepares the minutes in electronic format. (Contact info or other personal info is not recorded in the minutes since they will be posted publicly on the website.] Emails the completed minutes to webmaster and Chair, ideally within 2 weeks of the meeting.
- Prepares the agenda in electronic format and emails it to the Chair along with the minutes.
- Gets the minutes approved at the next intergroup business meeting. Sends final, amended/approved minutes to webmaster.
DA Solvency/Abstinence Requirements: Continuous abstinence from incurring unsecured debt for 3 months and has had at least two (2) pressure relief meetings.
Term: 2 years. Term runs September to September (odd years). No limit on number of terms one person may serve consecutively.
Service Responsibilities/Requirements:
- Has basic computer skills and the technology and ability to check the PayPal and Bank accounts.
- Consistently participates in intergroup meetings and matters.
- Takes on the EIN responsibility by transferring it into their name and social security number as the “responsible party”.
- Maintains the PayPal and Bank accounts for the intergroup.
- Tracks contributions and disbursements.
- Checks PayPal & Bank account balances right before the intergroup meeting, preparing a monthly report for the intergroup meeting (containing the previous balance on day of last meeting, current balance on day of meeting, payments, contributions, fees, and how much we have in each of our spending categories – Prudent Reserve, ISR Fund, General Fund).
- NOTE: DATIG’s original bank account and post office box were closed in 2015 due to the monthly service fees and low donations received. A new bank account was opened in 2019 due to new PayPal requirements for making payment disbursements.
This is a volunteer position, rather than a full-fledged Trusted Servant position, unless and until we transition our website to WordPress, in which case anyone could edit it without needing specialized knowledge.
Service Responsibilities/Requirements:
- Technical website programming/coding skills and email.
- Updates and maintains the intergroup website.
- Updates and maintains all website email addresses.
- Assists Officers with email address setup and maintenance.
- Responds to webmaster email inquiries and directs to another trusted servant if needed.
- Assists Officers with email address setup and maintenance.
- Updates the website meeting schedule and phone numbers and shared conference call line time slots.
- Uploads meeting formats on meeting schedule page.
- Checks DA website from time to time to see if any meetings have been added or removed and makes changes on our website accordingly.
If you are interested in becoming the webmaster and would like more information on the technical aspects of the position, please contact the webmaster via the Contact page.
Correspondence Secretary:
DA Solvency/Abstinence Requirements: None.
Term: 6 months. Terms run March to September, and September to March. No limit on number of terms one person may serve consecutively.
Service Responsibilities/Requirements:
- Uses email.
- Receives and responds to email inquiries forwarded from the website regarding the DA program and DA internet and phone meetings.
Conference Moderator:
DA Solvency/Abstinence Requirements: None.
Term: 6 months. Terms run March to September, and September to March. No limit on number of terms one person may serve consecutively.
Service Responsibilities/Requirements:
- Uses email.
- Receives and responds to email inquiries forwarded from the website regarding requests for a meeting to be added to the shared conference line. Checks on the website to see if the requested time slot is available (with 10 minute cushion before and 30 minute cushion after). Responds with a yes or no.
- If a yes, clarify/confirm start date, email a link to keypad commands for shared line (, point out that *5 mutes the line and that the line starts out unmuted by default, give host pin (emphasize that it is not to be shared publicly) along with call-in number and participant code, include reminder to update their meeting phone number on the DA website by filling out the meeting registration form on the DA website, recommend that someone in the group stay on the old line for the first 20 minutes on the day of the transition to direct traffic to the new line.
- Optional & highly recommended: attach an example meeting format containing helpful prompts in red that guide a chair in maneuvering on the new line.
- Optional: attach the Chair Instruction document (containing tips to help meetings on the line run smoothly).
- Final Step = Email webmaster with meeting name, day, time and shared line start date, so the meeting info can be updated on the intergroup meeting schedule.
- Other Duties: Address any technical problems or questions or noise issues on the shared line. Addressing noise problems may require logging onto the shared line dashboard several minutes before the meeting and staying on until the problem is resolved.
- NOTE: The participant code for the shared line should not be changed unless absolutely necessary, because doing so will cause a disruption for all the meetings that use the line. They will have to be notified to check their meeting listing on our website for the new code and submit a form to update their meeting info on the DA website. If the participant code is changed, it might not affect the host pin.
- NOTE: We might be able to change the host pin without it automatically changing the participant code.
Speaker Chair:
DA Solvency/Abstinence Requirements: Continuous abstinence from incurring unsecured debt for 3 months and has had at least two (2) pressure relief meetings.
Term: 6 months. Terms run March to September, and September to March. No limit on number of terms one person may serve consecutively.
Service Responsibilities/Requirements:
- Has basic computer skills and email.
- Seeks out people who are willing to be on an annually updated list of speakers who are willing to share their experience, strength and hope on DA phone meetings (pertaining to what happened, how they got to the program and what’s happened since).
- Emails the speaker list to individual meeting speaker seekers or chairs, upon request.
- Creates or maintains a speaker list containing the following information for each willing speaker: first name, contact number, time zone, time parameters for receiving phone calls, length of time in DA, whether they participate in DA HOW and whether they identify as a business owner, underearner or compulsive spender. Updates the speaker list annually by contacting everyone on it to see if they are still available and seeking out new speakers to add to the list.
- NOTE: Reaching out to meeting speaker seekers may be helpful, as many of them have been at it for a while and may already have a long list of speakers, even if it’s not formally organized.
Intergroup Service Representative:
DA Solvency/Abstinence Requirements: Continuous abstinence from incurring unsecured debt for 1 year; has had at least two (2) pressure relief meetings, successful record of service; and willingness to study the Traditions.
Term: 18 month term, but a new ISR is elected every March, with overlap of outgoing and incoming ISRs from March to September. The newly elected ISR will attend the World Service Conference in August and will fulfill the one year of committee service following the conference. During the period from March to December the ISR who was elected the previous year will be filling out their year of committee service, and assisting the new ISR with pre-conference prep including spending plan, scholarship application and preparing for the conference.
Service Responsibilities/Requirements:
- Represents DATIG at the World Service Conference (WSC).
- Votes at the WSC.
- Serves on a Committee at the WSC.
- Reports back to DATIG what happened at the WSC.
- After the WSC, continues to meet with their WSC committee monthly by phone and/or email throughout the year until the next annual WSC.
- NOTE: DA GSB recommends that ISR’s and GSR’s hold no other service positions during their term once they attend the WSC because they will be busy working with their WSC committee throughout the year that follows until the next WSC. It is, however, okay to do service at meetings on a one-time basis such as volunteering to chair, read or be timekeeper.
- NOTE: The WSC takes place each year during the summer. The Deadline for John H Scholarship Fund Application is in April. To apply for this scholarship a second year, the ISR has to have
attended at least 10 out of the 12 monthly committee meetings.
Public Information Chair:
DA Solvency/Abstinence Requirements:
- 3 months continuous abstinence from incurring unsecured debt (1 year of abstinence & 2 PRMs for working with the media).
Term: 6 months. Terms run March to September, and September to March. No limit on number of terms one person may serve consecutively.
Service Responsibilities/Requirements:
- Has worked the steps or is currently engaged in step work with a DA Sponsor.
- Has read the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts, resulting in a firm understanding of anonymity as discussed in Traditions 11 & 12.
- Has attended or commits to attending a Media Training workshop.
- Reports to Intergroup about PI activities.
- Commits to a minimum of 1 hour per month of service work.
- Is a point person for requests from the media.
- Attends DA speaker training and media training within the first year of service. Administrator:
DA Solvency/Abstinence Requirements: 30 days continuous abstinence from incurring unsecured debt.
Term: 6 months. Elections in March & September. No limit on consecutive terms.
Service Responsibilities/Requirements:
- Long-term 12-Step experience. Good understanding of the 12 Traditions. Essential respect for confidentiality and mindfulness about private info - respect for member privacy and for confidentiality of the members of the site.
- Need understanding of how to do the job. (Full training can be provided.)
- Moderately comfortable with computers and willing and able to learn on computers - no need to have big technical expertise or web design knowledge - you just plug in the data.
- Willingness to answer phone calls and emails from people needing assistance joining our
- Responsible and consistent availability - checking email a couple times per week, and uploading files if needed.
- Must have computer access daily or several times per week, in order to let in new members - this just takes a few seconds but should be done regularly.
- Posts files to our site. Files to post inside the files area would include anything that doesn’t go on the DATIG public website
- Admits entrance to all DATIG members who wish to join our site, one at a time --with a specific procedure to keep out spammers.
- Sends invitations to new intergroup members to join the group. Instructs members on different ways to log in.